First create a sudo user. To do this open a terminal as your regular user. Type "su -". Hit enter. Type your root password. Hit enter. Type "visudo". Hit enter. Hit the "insert" key. With the down arrow key scroll down to the blank line just below the line that reads "root ALL=(ALL) ALL". Type the following: "your_user_name ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL". (Of course substitute your user name for "your_user_name" and don't use the quote characters.) Hit the "escape" key. Type ":wq" but don't enter the quote characters. This means "write and quit" in vi, the text editor you are using. Hit enter. (You have just created a sudo user with root privileges and no password required. Note that some consider this a security risk. However I have never had any problems with it.) Hit enter. Type "exit". Hit enter. Type "gedit". Hit enter. In gedit enter the following:Be sure to enter a blank line (carriage return) at the end of the file. Hit the "Save" button in gedit and close gedit. Type "chmod +x". Hit enter. Type "sudo mv /usr/bin". Hit enter. Type "sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/yum.desktop". Hit enter. In gedit enter the following:Code:#!/bin/bash sudo yum clean all sudo yum -y update sudo yum clean all echo -e "Finished? Press enter to exit the terminal.\c" read exit 0Be sure to enter a blank line (carriage return) at the end of the file. Hit the "Save" button in gedit and close gedit. Your automated yum update button should now appear in "Applications" > "Other" as "Yum Update".Code:[Desktop Entry] Name=Yum Update Comment=Yum Update Icon=/usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/24x24/stock/gtk-add.png Terminal=true Type=Application Categories=Application;Other;