This is my little testimonial about Fedora.
I used to be a strong Micro$oft OS user for years - Dos, Win95, Win98, WinMe, Win 2000, WinNT, WinXP - used'em all. I was never satisfied with the Win, because it was simply lacking in terms of stability (BSOD), security (gotta love spyware). I also didn't feel comfortable not knowing what the system was doing and being treated by an OS as a 3 year old child.
About 6 months ago someone told me that Linux got more user friendly. I visited distrowatch, checked the ratings and my choice went with Ubuntu. One day later, I've started my love affair with Gnome
I was a happy little noob, started to find out more about Linux, the way system handles things, what's a kernel, module, work around in CLI. The more I got into Linux the more it devoured me, the more I learned the less I booted XP.
Ubuntu (don't get me wrong - I don't want to start a flame war here) is a fine distro - to get to know the system. But it didn't felt right FOR ME. Nautilus crashed sometimes without the reason, packages were poorly tested. I've said to myself - time to explore.
After a lot of browsing I decided to go with Fedora, and I'm gratefull to some web article that made me do that choice. I don't have time to mess too much with my OS - Slackware, Gentoo (work, etc).
FC is pure class :
1. Stable as a rock
2. New packages
3. Fast
4. Yum is fine when You get to know it.
Just wanted to greet everyone on this great forum I've been browsing for a while.
I'm a Fedora newbie (2 weeks), but I'm loving every second of using FC