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The best thing I've done in a long time :)
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  1. #1
    PabloEscobar Guest

    Smile The best thing I've done in a long time :)

    This is my little testimonial about Fedora.
    I used to be a strong Micro$oft OS user for years - Dos, Win95, Win98, WinMe, Win 2000, WinNT, WinXP - used'em all. I was never satisfied with the Win, because it was simply lacking in terms of stability (BSOD), security (gotta love spyware). I also didn't feel comfortable not knowing what the system was doing and being treated by an OS as a 3 year old child.
    About 6 months ago someone told me that Linux got more user friendly. I visited distrowatch, checked the ratings and my choice went with Ubuntu. One day later, I've started my love affair with Gnome
    I was a happy little noob, started to find out more about Linux, the way system handles things, what's a kernel, module, work around in CLI. The more I got into Linux the more it devoured me, the more I learned the less I booted XP.
    Ubuntu (don't get me wrong - I don't want to start a flame war here) is a fine distro - to get to know the system. But it didn't felt right FOR ME. Nautilus crashed sometimes without the reason, packages were poorly tested. I've said to myself - time to explore.
    After a lot of browsing I decided to go with Fedora, and I'm gratefull to some web article that made me do that choice. I don't have time to mess too much with my OS - Slackware, Gentoo (work, etc).

    FC is pure class :
    1. Stable as a rock
    2. New packages
    3. Fast
    4. Yum is fine when You get to know it.

    Just wanted to greet everyone on this great forum I've been browsing for a while.
    I'm a Fedora newbie (2 weeks), but I'm loving every second of using FC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Quote Originally Posted by PabloEscobar
    This is my little testimonial about Fedora.
    I used to be a strong Micro$oft OS user for years - Dos, Win95, Win98, WinMe, Win 2000, WinNT, WinXP - used'em all. I was never satisfied with the Win, because it was simply lacking in terms of stability (BSOD), security (gotta love spyware). I also didn't feel comfortable not knowing what the system was doing and being treated by an OS as a 3 year old child.
    About 6 months ago someone told me that Linux got more user friendly. I visited distrowatch, checked the ratings and my choice went with Ubuntu. One day later, I've started my love affair with Gnome
    I was a happy little noob, started to find out more about Linux, the way system handles things, what's a kernel, module, work around in CLI. The more I got into Linux the more it devoured me, the more I learned the less I booted XP.
    Ubuntu (don't get me wrong - I don't want to start a flame war here) is a fine distro - to get to know the system. But it didn't felt right FOR ME. Nautilus crashed sometimes without the reason, packages were poorly tested. I've said to myself - time to explore.
    After a lot of browsing I decided to go with Fedora, and I'm gratefull to some web article that made me do that choice. I don't have time to mess too much with my OS - Slackware, Gentoo (work, etc).

    FC is pure class :
    1. Stable as a rock
    2. New packages
    3. Fast
    4. Yum is fine when You get to know it.

    Just wanted to greet everyone on this great forum I've been browsing for a while.
    I'm a Fedora newbie (2 weeks), but I'm loving every second of using FC

    It feels wonderful to get happy users onboard as a Fedora user. Welcome and enjoy your stay

    If you would like to send more feedback and communicate with the community


    In response to a recent request for user testimonials,


    there is now a recent thread in the forum,


    Yours has been added to the list


  3. #3
    hawaye Guest
    Thanks for sharing your experience, Fedora is a great Forum i like too and its helping me hope to learn new things on this community.

    Edit: Advertising and links removed from post to comply with the Guidelines. - Bob

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
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    I said this many times: fedora is rock solid. This week I've tested five of the latest releases of others distros, well none was solid as fedora (which was the last standing, and thus remained on the hdd).
    Problems eventually arises when people start tinkering too much, but that cannot be addressed as fedora's fault.
    Of course there are things that can be improved, but that is exactly the reason I like it.

    welcome on the forum
    Money couldn't buy friends, but you get a better class of enemy.

    Linux Registered User #476391

  5. #5
    Demz Guest
    Welcome to the forum an hope you enjoy the Forum, also bare in Mind Fedora has a IRC channel on Freenode to,, Noted on my Signature so you can also get help there also

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