This part requires that pommed be installed. Let’s get to it…
Download it and then extract it:
Install the required packages:
su -c 'yum install libdbus-devel alsa-lib-devel audiofile-devel zlib-devel libconfuse libconfuse-devel pciutils-devel'
“Make” pommed by typing this into the terminal while in the pommed-1.26 parent directory:
make pommed
Become su and copy the files to the needed directories (one line at a time):
cp pommed/pommed /usr/bin
mkdir /usr/share/pommed
cp pommed/data/* /usr/share/pommed
cp pommed.conf.mactel /etc/pommed.conf
chmod +x pommed.init
cp pommed.init /etc/init.d/pommed
cp dbus-policy.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/pommed.conf
Then, reboot.
Note: I just went through these steps and rebooted. It didn’t seem to work. I’m trying to use the gnome brightness applet and it simply states “cannot get laptop panel brightness”. I’ll be looking into this soon… Also, the FN+F1 and FN+F2 keys aren't making a different either.