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ATI Support Under Fedora Core 2
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  1. #1
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    ATI Support Under Fedora Core 2

    This is what I did to get my 9700 pro working in Fedora Core 2. This allowed me to have direct rendering support under xorg with ATI drivers.

    Here is a step-by-step installation. Make sure you have the "kernel-source" package installed.

    Thanks to the guys in the Linux Forum @

    1. Download the Fedora Core 2 patches in /tmp (for example)


    Download the rpm from ATI Drivers. I used version 4.3.0

    2. Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    # get your mouse location '/dev/input/mice'
    # get your monitor Freq H&R
    # ie Horizontal 30.0-130 Vertical 48.0-170.0)

    3. open terminal window and su to root.

    4. Install the fglrx rpm (replaces file from xorg-x11-Mesa-libGL)
    cd /path/to/ati/file
    rpm --replacefiles -ivh fglrx-4.3.0-3.7.6.i386.rpm

    5. Change directory, apply patches for Fedora Core 2
    cd /lib/modules/fglrx/buld_mod
    patch -p1 -i /path/to/patch_files/fglrx-3.7.6-fedora.patch
    patch -p1 -i /path/to/patch_files/fglrx-3.7.6-regparm.patch

    6. Build and install the kernel module
    cd /lib/modules/fglrx/buld_mod
    sh make.sh
    cd cd ..
    sh make_install.sh

    7. Config the drivers:
    # Back up original xorg.conf
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.org


    # Use xorg.conf to get Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse info
    # Be mindful of the questions

    XF86Config-4 will be created [y]

    cd /etc/X11/
    ln -sf XF86Config-4 xorg.conf

    cd /etc/X11/xkb/rules
    ln -sf xorg xfree86
    ln -sf xorg.lst xfree86.lst
    ln -sf xorg.xml xfree86.xml

    8: Reboot X
    # open terminal

    glxinfo | grep direct

    # Should read "direct rendering: Yes
    # Should have ATI Control Panel with Ati drivers (not Mesa)

    9: open terminal
    # a window will open with 3 colored gears.
    # framerate will be displayed in terminal.
    # My 9700pro generated 3800+ framerate

    ## If for some reason you are not able to get a graphical boot.

    logon: root
    password: *******
    cd /etc/X11
    cp xorg.conf.org xorg.conf
    ## this will allow you back into x windows
    ## chances are issues are settings based in XF86Config-4

    If this guide does not work for you, refer to the original forurm link at the top of the post for support.
    FC6 | IBM T42 2378-R4U | Centrino 2.0Ghz | ATI Mobility M7 LW 7500 | 1.5G PC2700 | 80G Hitachi 5400 | Intel 2915abg WiFi | Bluetooth

  2. #2
    micha Guest
    Excellent howto !

  3. #3
    Ug's Avatar
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    Yea - I'm currently involved in updating the FedoraFAQ with Foolish and came to pretty much that conclusion. I kind of strung it all together from all the posts in that thread.

    Don't forget that Xorg does have 2D support for ATI cards but not 3D. So it might not apply to all of you.

  4. #4
    Malt0meal Guest

    Thanks gotmonkey

    I'm giving yer instructions on a shot with my Mobility Radeon 9000

  5. #5
    Bana's Avatar
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    Worked for me
    binarybana AT gmail.com

  6. #6
    theurge Guest

    Thumbs down

    Installation failed on brand new Fedora Core 2 install due to the ATI drivers telling me I need kernel 2.4.x when Fedora Core 2 is using 2.6.5 something.

    Any ideas?

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by theurge
    Installation failed on brand new Fedora Core 2 install due to the ATI drivers telling me I need kernel 2.4.x when Fedora Core 2 is using 2.6.5 something.

    Any ideas?
    When I installed the ati driver, It did give me an error and told me that I would have 2d support. I just followed the rest of patches and configs and it seemed to work. I don't believe I had an error regarding kernel 2.4.x.

    I am uber noob at linux. You might want to try the forum link in rage3d.org and see if they have better info for you. They provided excellent support to me and others setting up the drivers under core 2.

    Thanks micha, I tried to put in as much info as I could to make it as simple as possible
    FC6 | IBM T42 2378-R4U | Centrino 2.0Ghz | ATI Mobility M7 LW 7500 | 1.5G PC2700 | 80G Hitachi 5400 | Intel 2915abg WiFi | Bluetooth

  8. #8
    theurge Guest

    Thumbs up

    Thanks for the response and the suggestion, I'll see what information I can muster over there.

  9. #9
    Bana's Avatar
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    Worked for me in FC2 Final fresh (the previous was about Test 3).
    binarybana AT gmail.com

  10. #10
    theurge Guest


    ATI Control Panel is loaded, but it is still using the Mesa drivers and not the ATI drivers:

    [root@antec root]# glxinfo | grep direct
    direct rendering: No
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
    [root@antec root]#

    I have the following:
    Fedora Core 2 (kernel 2.6.5-1.358smp)
    ATI Radeon 9500 Pro
    Athlon XP 2800+

    Here is the output of every step I did following your directions. Any ideas are most welcome.

    [root@antec atidrivers]# rpm --force -ivh fglrx-4.3.0-3.7.6.i386.rpm
    Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
       1:fglrx                  ########################################### [100%]
    *** Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.
    *** WARNING ***
    Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
    You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
    and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
    Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
    in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
    (see readme.txt for more details.)
    As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
    OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
    *** Found kernel module build environment, generating kernel module now.
    ATI module generator V 2.0
    XFree86 drm includes at /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358smp/build/include/../drivers/char/drm do not fit this driver.
    This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
    You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
    *** WARNING ***
    Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
    You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
    and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
    Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
    in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
    (see readme.txt for more details.)
    As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
    OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
    Installed: qt3 (gcc 3.2) based control panel application
    ATI display drivers successfully installed
    please run 'fglrxconfig' now
    [root@antec atidrivers]#

    [root@antec build_mod]# patch -p1 -i /tmp/fglrx-3.7.6-fedora.patch
    patching file 2.6.x/Makefile
    patching file make.sh
    [root@antec build_mod]# patch -p1 -i /tmp/fglrx-3.7.6-regparm.patch
    patching file firegl_public.c
    patching file firegl_public.h
    patching file make.sh
    [root@antec build_mod]#

    [root@antec build_mod]# sh make.sh
    ATI module generator V 2.0
    XFree86 drm includes at /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-1.358smp/drivers/char/drm do not fit this driver.
    This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
    You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
    [root@antec build_mod]#

    [root@antec fglrx]# sh make_install.sh
    *** WARNING ***
    Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
    You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
    and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
    Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
    in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
    (see readme.txt for more details.)
    As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
    OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
    [root@antec fglrx]#

    [root@antec root]# glxinfo | grep direct
    direct rendering: No
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
    [root@antec root]#

  11. #11
    DaNewB Guest


    Yay! My ATI radeon 9600 SE (from Saphire) is now installed and working! Thanks!

    (This really should be added to some official faq somewhere...)

  12. #12
    Beloth Guest

    module problem with smp-kernel


    i only could compile the ati module with the 'normal' kernel. the smp-kernel didn't work. (used 3.7.6 for 4.3.x)


    if you get this message:

    ATI module generator V 2.0
    XFree86 drm includes at /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-1.358smp/drivers/char/drm do not fit this driver.
    This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
    You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.

    then try to use the 'normal' kernel then it will work...

    all i did afterward was to set 'fglrx' as drivermodule in the driver section of xorg.conf. All worked fine and i got around 4500 fps in glxgears.

    glxinfo | grep direct results in direct rendering: yes

    hope that could help you

  13. #13
    theurge Guest

    Thanks, your suggestion finally made the compile with make.sh work under the non-smp kernel here.

    Unfortunately, I still don't get direct rendering and it still uses the Mesa driver.

    After more research, it appears I need to install the nVidia AGPGART module because the included internal AGPGART on the ATI driver doesn't work with my nForce motherboard (ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe).

    Then I find out the nVidia nForce AGPGART module is only (and they mean only) for the 2.4.x kernel.

    This is ridiculous and frustrating. This isn't like I have obscure hardware. Sigh.

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by theurge

    Thanks, your suggestion finally made the compile with make.sh work under the non-smp kernel here.

    Unfortunately, I still don't get direct rendering and it still uses the Mesa driver.

    After more research, it appears I need to install the nVidia AGPGART module because the included internal AGPGART on the ATI driver doesn't work with my nForce motherboard (ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe).

    Then I find out the nVidia nForce AGPGART module is only (and they mean only) for the 2.4.x kernel.

    This is ridiculous and frustrating. This isn't like I have obscure hardware. Sigh.
    I would check your XF86Config-4 file. Try setting the 'use external agpgart to 'no' and see if that helps. I didn't install any nvidia drivers after I installed Core 2. I am assuming that it used the forcedeth drivers at install.

    What is the difference between the normal kernel and the smp-kernel? How would an user distinguish between the two?
    FC6 | IBM T42 2378-R4U | Centrino 2.0Ghz | ATI Mobility M7 LW 7500 | 1.5G PC2700 | 80G Hitachi 5400 | Intel 2915abg WiFi | Bluetooth

  15. #15
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    Symetric Multiprocessing (SMP)

    more than one proc. You'd know the difference, now that you know what it means
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    Thanks to: Brunson & Ibbo

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