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Yum update woes due to updated ppp package.
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  1. #1
    foolish Guest

    Yum update woes due to updated ppp package.

    Recently some of you may have experienced errors when trying to update your system using yum or up2date. One of our members, the brilliant RKL, provided us with some information and a workaround:
    Just a quick note that if you "yum update" using FC2, watch out for the ppp-0-2.4.2-3.FC2.1 package that they put up recently. It has some broken dependencies that conflict with initscripts. The FC mailing list implies that it'll be fixed shortly, but until it is, if you have "ppp" installed, "yum update" on its own no longer works!!

    Workaround until the new ppp package is fixed:

    "yum --exclude=ppp update"

    Thomas Chung, of our partner site FedoraNEWS , provided us with this excellent link to the bug tracker of the package in question: http://fedoranews.org/updates/FEDORA-2004-214.shtml

    It's also mentioned on the fedora mailing list: http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedor.../msg01916.html

    For more on this, see this thread: http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=18984

  2. #2
    redmoth Guest
    i had the same problem, but instead of excluding the package, i used a pretty logical workaround. i thought since i dont have dial-up, i should be able to just remove ppp and its dependant packages.
    so i:

    #yum remove ppp*

    and it removed ppp, wvdial, and rpppoe

    at least it seems to have worked, although i havent had to reboot or change run levels, so it hasnt gone through the init sequence since i have done this. Should this pose any problem?


  3. #3
    Enso Guest
    I've given a look at the ppp-2.4.2-3.FC2.1 specfile and I haven't found anything broken... That's really weird.
    The only weird thing is that %dir /etc/ppp is owned by both ppp and initscripts rpms but it is true also in the older ppp package.
    The new ppp rpm doesn't provide any ppp version < 2.3.9 so it is really weird. It looks more like an rpm bug to me...

  4. #4
    tchung Guest
    Good News!

    Fedora Project just released initscripts-7.55.1-1 to fix this ssue:



  5. #5
    ghenry Guest
    This little post, has just pushed me over the edge and finally made my decision on which is better, YUM or APT.

    I'm switching to YUM.

    Unless I have missed something with APT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I had this problem, but managed to get around it by updating one thing at a time. Whenever
    something didn't seem to install properly, I skipped it. I often do this anyway, since up2date seems
    to choke if it runs too long.

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