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upgrading fc5->fc6 error
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  1. #1
    delmonte Guest

    upgrading fc5->fc6 error

    When upgrading fc5 to fc6 from the dvd in text mode, i get the error "No handlers could be found for logger "yum.YumBase"" during the dependiency checking. How do I fix this error and upgrade to fc6?

  2. #2
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    Good question - I'm seeing that here too.

    FC5 fully updated - attempting to upgrade to FC6 via DVD and in text mode. Same error.

    Now have DVD.iso mounted on an ftp server and trying an FTP install - like that'll make a diff, but it kept me busy for a bit as I contemplated how to recover all my crap from this laptop that's not upgrading.
    Registered Linux user #227845
    But, with the demise of the Linux Counter Project - who can tell...

  3. #3
    fireface100 Guest
    Same thing here

  4. #4
    Camberwell Guest
    did anyone get round this??, because I'm getting the same thing

  5. #5
    fireface100 Guest
    nope i reinstalled from scratch

    all my data is on other raids so it didnt matter

  6. #6
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    rebuild rpm packagelist. delete the files in the dir. /var/lib/rpm/__db* and then use command rpm --rebuilddb
    Last edited by snoze; 25th October 2006 at 02:18 AM.

  7. #7
    delmonte Guest
    This problem also occurs for me in graphical mode, but the error shows up on VC1. I just let it sit there for a while and it fixed itself and seemed to work just fine. I reckon that none of the graphical users are complaining about this error because they don't see it.

  8. #8
    aivan Guest
    I got the same error, damn. Will try rpm --rebuild stuff ...

  9. #9
    aivan Guest
    Hm, the installer is not blocked at all, it just needs more time, it took more than 30 minutes to move from 0% to 1% (after that, it went quite well), so just leave the installer to do his job.

    Upgrade went just fine. Although, I had no time to check if everything works.

    p.s. You can see anaconda activity by pressing Alt+F2, type "top" and see the CPU. (pres Alt+F1 to return to the installer screen)

  10. #10
    domlayfield Guest

    No handler... "yum.YumBase"

    I had same problem. And thanks to the information in this forum, I just waited, instead of assuming the installation was broken and rebooting.

    For my machine, the delay was pretty short (less than five minutes) before the "checking dependencies" progress bar started to move. Thereafter, things were pretty fast.

    Thanks for saving me a lot of pain!


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by snoze
    rebuild rpm packagelist. delete the files in the dir. /var/lib/rpm/__db* and then use command rpm --rebuilddb
    What I found here on a FC5 -> FC6 upgrade, on a 850MHz machine, after waiting about 20 minutes the Dependency Check actually starts moving.

    This is the case even with the "yum.yumbase" error.

  12. #12
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    No, this is crap.

    Waiting did absolutely no good for me. Whether using the graphical or text attempts to install the process would always hang up at the "Checking dependencies" point. The text install was the only one to give me "yum.yumbase" error. After sitting around doing nothing for 20 minutes the software would shut the PC off. Every time!

    This is particularly galling because I spent a whole day carefully downloading and burning the required 6 CDs first. Why does the stupid software even need to go to the Internet again if you already have the CDs? If you have the CDs it should boot just from the CDs!

    Requiring the user to rebuild the rpms is a clear indication this package was NOT READY to be released. I am not a newbie with UNIX/Linux. My FC 5, SUSE 10, and earlier versions of other Linux packages installs were much easier. This one is all hype and much disappointment.
    Cheerily Yours,
    Tim O'Laguna

  13. #13
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    I have never had a good "upgrade" from one release to the other. I personally have found that I was wasting more time trying to get things right than what it takes to do a fresh install and add my favorite packages.

    Just do a basic install without selecting every conceiveable package that you will not use or don't know what it is in the first place(speaking from my own experience here). I just did a fresh install with a minimal package selection and when I rebooted and logged in there were a bunch of updates available amounting to about 100MB.

    No more upgrades for me only fresh installs,don't need any more anguish in my life.

  14. #14
    cafefort Guest
    i've had the same problem in text mode and waiting just solved it!
    so I waited, and after dependencies check finiched upgrade started
    but i took me some hours, 8!! to be precise and i ended with rpb database corruption
    and even i carried on and got grub and i upgraded one by one the remaining FC5 package
    now i'm on FC6 but what and adventure!!

  15. #15
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    Ok, now I think I understand. I took ryptyde's approach. Checked off only "Office and Productivity" and "Webserver" installation options. Things got moving from there. "Checking dependencies ..." got rolling fairly quickly. Only the first of the 6 CDs are now required.

    Evidently my FC 5 install was so well developed (maybe say "fat") that checking dependencies for all of the packages I had installed overwhelmed things, causing the whole upgrade to bomb out. Maybe I'll keep FC 6 a little slimmer than FC 5 was. And maybe I won't do another upgrade until FC 10.0.
    Cheerily Yours,
    Tim O'Laguna

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